Nils Loose 🏔
Nils Loose

Research Assistant/PhD Student

About Me

I am a research assistant/PhD student at the Institute for IT-Security at the University of LĂŒbeck. I am intrigued by the intersection of machine learning and code analysis. I maintain the dynamic symbolic execution engine SWAT

  • Machine Learning
  • Adversarial Attacks
  • Code Analysis
  • PhD Student

    University of LĂŒbeck

  • MSc in Computer Science

    University of LĂŒbeck

  • BSc in Computer Science

    University of LĂŒbeck

📚 My Research

I am a researcher at the Institute for IT Security at the University of LĂŒbeck, specializing in machine learning program analysis and cybersecurity. My work spans machine learning, adversarial attacks, and symbolic methods for understanding and securing software and models.

Please reach out to collaborate 😃

Featured Publications
Recent Publications
(2025). AutoStub: Genetic Programming-Based Stub Creation for Symbolic Execution. To be published at SBFT 2025.
(2024). OCEAN: Open-World Contrastive Authorship Identification. arXiv preprint arXiv:2412.05049.
(2024). SOVEREIGN-towards a holistic approach to critical infrastructure protection. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security.
(2024). SWAT: Modular dynamic symbolic execution for java applications using dynamic instrumentation (competition contribution). International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems.
(2023). Madvex: Instrumentation-Based Adversarial Attacks on Machine Learning Malware Detection. International Conference on Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment.
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